Creative Lead

My role at EA has changed! I’m now an Associate creative which means I’m given projects to lead the creative process on. This is everything from scripting, copy, structure, music choice, strategy on how the asset should be deployed, and then everything else involved in making a video.

I was given the ‘Volta Deep Dive’ as a brief, so I had to show off everything the new mode in FIFA had to offer. This is what I created with our wizard editor Al and our producer Natasha. It was very close to what I had envisaged from day one, albeit with a few compromises along the way. I’m extremely proud of this piece. I also came up with the idea to break the 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 section out as a club cutdown to start a conversation on ‘who are you going to have in your 5 a side team’. The clubs that have posted those cut downs are: PSG, Real Madrid, Manchester City, Liverpool, Atletico Madrid, Chelsea, The Premiere League, Borussia Dortmund and Spurs. At current count we are at about 5 million views, not including all those club cut downs I just mentioned, and thats in two days.

Using Format