Reaching the End of the Road

Just after returning from San Fran & Toronto, I was sent an email from a chap at an online magazine based in London asking If I wanted to shoot a little festival called End of the Road, I agreed!

The website is called The 405, and one of the best arts/culture/music websites around if your asking me. Here is the link to my published shots, they said some nice things about me too!

The festival is held at the Larmer Tree Gardens in Wiltshire, this is the same place I got married three weeks previous to the festival. So it was a bit strange to go back to find thousands of people standing where I stood next to Ellie.

Anyway, I digress, the festival itself is amazing, its relatively small, the line up is off the chain, the location is perfect (obviously) and luckily the weather was tip top. My friend Gaelle Beri was photographing for the festival because her work is amezin, you can see it here.

Here are my pictures from End of the Road!

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