
Second ever gig in Vancouver and it was a DOOZY. Foals were playing the Commodore Ballroom for two nights, the 7th & 8th of August. I’d be dying to shoot them in a venue since I shot them at Open’er festival in Poland a few years ago and they did not disappoint.

Despite getting kicked by Yannis, completely stacking it over a barrier it was quite a successful shoot. I’d hired a lens specifically for this gig, a Canon 16-35 F2.8 II and it delivered as I thought it would. It was super sharp even at 2.8 (which i shot the whole gig at) and it was wide enough to get all of the action into frame, which I find is a problem when i shoot with my 24-70 F2.8 II. 

You’ll notice all the photos are BW, this is a departure from what I normally do and it was kind of by accident. I was editing my photos in Lightroom, balancing colours, knocking out horrible tones of yellow and green in peoples faces and i accidentally hit the BW filter button and it made the photo I was editing really pop. Yannis was wearing a white t shirt for the gig meaning the BW edit would make him pop in the frame as the rest of the venue was super dark. I also think the BW edit suit the tone of the gig, which was dark, brooding, aggressive, powerful and full of attitude. I think they work really well and I’ll be using BW for more gig stuff in the future.

These were shot for thanks to these guys for sorting the pass!

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