Freshwater West, Wales

This weekend, after an eventful christmas office party, we drove to Pembrokeshire in Wales to visit family friends. 

I hadn’t been to that part of Wales before so thought it’d be a good idea to take a camera with me!

We took a mini trip to Freshwater West beach, which was where they shot the scene where (SPOILER ALERT) Dobby the house elf dies at Shell House. 

I brought my 5D3 with me to take pictures of us together as we aren’t normally all in the same place.

I wanted to use this as a chance to try some new editing techniques, using different colour mattes to create different moods. I ended up deciding on a pink matte.

I like the aesthetic this gives to the shadows in the photographs, I also thought it warms them up in a more subtle way than just cranking up the oranges, as on the day we visited, it felt like we;d be caught in a small monsoon.

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