
The past few weeks have been completely mad at work, lots of extra hours, lots of stressful and frustrating days, but it has all totally paid off. 

We had been making a trailer for one of the biggest gaming industry events in the world, Gamescom. I had been asked to shoot lots of footage for this trailer as it was going to be high energy & the style of camera needed to match that energy. 

Using the tools we have, and been taught one of the very talented cinematic directors at EA, I learnt a new skill, re-creating the broadcast style cameras you seen on Sky Sports, BT Sports and TSN (for those North Americans reading this). It was not an easy thing to learn as the camera tools don’t always react in the way you think they are going to, so each shot too a lot of tinkering, reworking and recapturing to suit the trailer. 

After all the footage had been delivered to the editor (who is one of the best, if not the best, editors I’ve had the privilege to work with) he put together an incredible edit and this is the result. 1:55 minutes of complete and utter football madness, goals, save, reactions, you name, its in there. 

We were invited up to watch the live streaming of the video at Gamescom in one of the meeting rooms at EAV (EA Vancouver) which almost doubles up as a cinema, see picture below! Following the stream of the video, the presenters proceeded to say very nice things about the video, then they brought out Marco Reus (our FIFA 17 Cover Star) to play FIFA 17 against the other presenters. That was very exciting!

I shot a lot of the gameplay in this trailer, I’d say the favourite of my own shots is very first slo-motion shot, at the Parc de Princes, where Ben Arfa is scooping the ball over the defender. I like the lighting as they are almost silhouetted but there is also some nice lens flare coming through as well. Very Proud of this shot.

The video has now been watched by almost 4m people (inc Facebook & Youtube views) Thats a lot of people looking at work I’ve done, which makes me very proud and makes me feel that our move to Vancouver has been well worth it in terms of our careers. Enjoy.

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