
Theres a website that I visit most days when i get into work, its called Soccerbible. They post about football culture things, events, boots, transfers, FIFA things and games. They run a feature called ‘Framed’ where a photographer attends a game, shooting anything that will give the photographers perspective on that match.

I was able to head down to the Vancouver Whitecaps home game against the Seattle Sounders and shoot a ‘Framed’ series for Soccerbible. It was a fantastic feeling to see my work posted by SB, as they have so many followers/visitors to their channels, and they also post stuff about FIFA (my other work!). 

Here is a link to the photos on Soccerbible

I am super proud of getting published by Soccerbible and I’ll be doing my best to see if i can top it before the year is out!

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