The Association of Independent Festivals

I’m pleased to tell you I am now an official Friend of The Association of Independent Festivals!

This is, as of last week when I photographed their second Annual festival Congress which was great fun. I met some really nice people including, Huw Stephens (of Radio One fame) Renae (of AIF fame) and Paul (also of AIF fame!)

I wanted to shoot the conference in my style of photography, which (I think) is based much more around aesthetics than functionality. Most conference are shot with a dirty great big flash gun, on a high Fstop number making for flat non interesting images. 

I shot this entire conference (bar a few wide shots) on my trusty 50mm 1.4 which gave me the light I needed to keep the ISO down to around 1250 which is fine on the 5D3.

Anyway, I got given a badge to say I’m a friend of the AIF which I will put on my website really soon!

Here are a selection of my favourite shots from the conference. 

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